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Canadian Transport Sourcebook > All works> Simcoe Reformer > The Mill Pond is to Remain

The Mill Pond is to Remain

Council thought grist mill property was at too high a figure

At a special meeting of the town council held Monday night to hear the report of the special committee appointed at a previous meeting to enquire into the advisability of purchasing the grist mill property on Pond street, together with its flowage rights, decided that the opinion of the committee to the effect that the price asked was too high, was sound, and so agreed to let the matter drop.

The committee having the matter in hand was composed of Messrs McKice, Innes and Gunton. Mr. McKice presented a verbal report covering the enquiries made by the committee, and explained that they had had expert advice, and felt that $18,000 was at least $3000 too much. The object of the committee in asking for a special meeting was to get the feeling of the council as the committee did not want to assume the responsibility.

After the report was given a general discussion took place, during which it appeared to be the opinion of the council that the primary object of buying the mill site would not be attained. The primary object was admitted to be that of providing an adequate school site by doing away with the dam at the mill, and getting rid of the pond.

The whole question had come before the council through the proposition of the Lake Erie & Northern Railway to build a wooden bridge across the river at the foot of Argyle street. The council had thought it advisable to look into the cost of the mill property, having in mind the possibility of being compelled to take over the proposed bridge and maintain it. It was reasoned that if the town was to maintain a bridge there, the shorter the bridge the less expense, and if the cost of the mill property would balance fairly against the upkeep of a long bridge, it would be good business to buy the mill, drain the pond, shorten the bridge, and perhaps provide a school site.

During the discussion it also developed that the Lake Erie & Northern Railway Co. was prepared to build a permanent bridge for a cash consideration from the town. The amount spoken of was $2000. It was also said that the railway company had expressed themselves as being willing to construct a shorter bridge and fill the remainder in if they could be given that permission.

The discussion terminated with a motion, which was carried unanimously showing that the council, as a body, preferred to let the railway company build their own bridge, while at the same time the council was, presumably, looking after the interests of the town by trying to have the bridge as short as possible. The motion reads:

"Moved by Mr. McKice and seconded by Mr. Heath—That C. P. Innes and D. D. Gunton be and are hereby appointed, a committee to interview the owner of the mill pond, Mr. Edgeworth, to obtain from him the most favorable terms upon which he will allow the L. E. & N. Railway to make the necessary earth fill so that their proposed bridge will be as short as possible."

It was moved by Ald. McCall and Misner that a grant of $100 be given the officers of the 39th Regt. for entertainment of the third contingent on the eve of their departure.

[Public Domain] Copyright/Licence: This work was first published in 1964 or earlier, and the author of the work was anonymous. To the best of my knowledge, the author of the work was unknown at the end of the year 50 years after the work was published, meaning that this work would be in the public domain in Canada, per section 6.2 of the Copyright Act. Note also this link. See disclaimers.