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Home > Newspapers > Manitoba Free Press > The Pembina Branch Muddle

The Pembina Branch Muddle.

A Compromise.

The trouble on the Pembina Branch seems to be on a fair way of settlement. Last evening the men had an interview with Mr. Lynskey, the result of which was that the men agreed to go to work again at the old starvation rate for ten days, in order to allow Mr. Lynskey to communicate with Mr. Schreiber. The first proposition submitted to the latter gentleman was for 20 cents an hour, but he could not "consistently with the economic running of the road" grant the increase. The men subsequently modified their claims to 17½ cents an hour. At first Mr. Lynskey sat on this proposition too, but on consideration has concluded that it would be cheaper to assent to it than to run the road as it is being run now, and so agreed last night to communicate with Mr. Schreiber, and use his influence to secure the necessary raise if the men would go to work in the meantime, which they signified their willingness to do. It is altogether likely that the matter will be settled amicably.

With respect to the remark made in the Times that the irregularity among the trains yesterday was attributable to intimidation on the part of the men towards the green hands, it is indignantly denied. The men simply explained to the new-comers the situation of affairs, and appealed to their spirit of fair play to stand by them, but also told them that they were at perfect liberty to do as they pleased in the matter without molestation. There was no intimidation, no violence, and not the slightest disposition to interpose physical force on the part of the men. To the credit of the green hands, be it said, they gave way readily on learning of the compromise that had been effected between Mr. Lynskey and the men, and to-day the trains were run as usual. As our contemporary says, it will be a great deal cheaper for the railway authorities to grant the extra 2½ cents per hour than to have the road in the state of muddle which must be inevitable with the loss of the services of the trained hands.

[Public Domain] Copyright/Licence: This work was first published in 1964 or earlier, and the author of the work was anonymous. To the best of my knowledge, the author of the work was unknown at the end of the year 50 years after the work was published, meaning that this work would be in the public domain in Canada, per section 6.2 of the Copyright Act. Note also this link. See disclaimers.