Canadian Transport Sourcebook

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Home > Books > Canada: The Foundations of its Future

The book Canada: The Foundations of its Future by Stephen Leacock (1869–1944) was published in 1942.



"At the Same Time They Laid Out a Terminal Town on the Pacific and Called it Vancouver"
"At the Same Time They Laid Out a Terminal Town on the Pacific and Called it Vancouver"
Greater Montreal
Greater Montreal
Invasion of the Northwest 1880–1914
Invasion of the Northwest 1880–1914
"Life Received a New Wakefulness From the Arc Lamp and the Electric Bulb . . ."
"Life Received a New Wakefulness From the Arc Lamp and the Electric Bulb . . ."
"The University of Saskatchewan Rose . . . on the Empty Prairie . . ."
"The University of Saskatchewan Rose . . . on the Empty Prairie . . ."
". . . the War Closed . . . Bringing Peace to a People Who Asked Nothing Else, Neither Revenge Nor Gain"
". . . the War Closed . . . Bringing Peace to a People Who Asked Nothing Else, Neither Revenge Nor Gain"